Are Raffles The Only Way to Get the Sneakers You Want?
Sneaker and clothing brands have been releasing rare sneakers. There was always one way to get the item, and that was through online raffles.
By Sam ZominAug. 10 2018, Published 3:55 p.m. ET
For many years, big sneaker and clothing brands have been releasing hard to find rare sneakers. There was always only one way to get the item, and that was through online raffles. The way it works is you put in your credit card information, and shipping address. Then you would have to sign on to the app or website at the exact time the draw starts and you would enter if you got there in time. If you entered successfully, you would have to wait to see if you got them. If you got them its a huge victory, because only a limited number of products were released. Sites like StockX and Stadium Goods resell them, but usually at higher prices.
However there is another form of raffles. It’s the same concept of entering the draw and seeing if you got it. But the difference is that if you get them you would have to pick them up at the store location, where there would be a huge line, and theres a chance you wouldn’t even get them. So after completing both of these tasks and not getting anything, you are probably asking yourself, “Is there another way?” Im sorry to say but no, there isn’t. Now raffles are literally the only way you can get limited edition sneakers for retail. Although I cant help you with getting them for retail, there are multiple ways of getting them fora slightly higher price. There are many stores that allow people to bring in their sneakers and sell them for whatever price they want. Sometimes you can find people selling them at reliable stores for only a little over retail.
So until there is another way to get the shoes you want, you will have to resort to these ways to try to buy them.