Self-Love: A Revolutionary Act
In today's self-centered social media landscape, the idea of self-love feels radical.
By Evan MajorsSept. 16 2024, Published 1:55 p.m. ET
I'm not referring to Instagram thirst traps that thrive on external validation but a profound, internal love that nurtures our true selves. This type of love is especially crucial for people of color, who live in a world that often celebrates our culture but degrades us as individuals. Our black and brown skin is frequently seen as a threat, leading to violence and death against our bodies. Radical self-love is what needs to be in style more than ever.
Radical self-love is a revolutionary act, a declaration of our worth in a society that persistently tells us we are unworthy. It is a balm for the soul, soothing the wounds inflicted by systemic racism and societal neglect. This love is not about ego or vanity; it's about survival and thriving despite a world that seems determined to diminish our light. It is a fierce, unyielding commitment to our well-being, an act of defiance against the forces that seek to break us.
Imagine a garden. Each flower is unique, yet all are beautiful in their own right. The roses do not compare themselves to the daisies, nor do the sunflowers diminish the value of the tulips. They grow, absorbing sunlight and rain, rooted in the fertile soil that nurtures them. Radical self-love is our sunlight and rain; it is the nourishing force that allows us to grow and bloom in a world that often seeks to uproot us.
In this digital age, we must be vigilant gardeners, careful of the weeds that seek to choke our growth. Unfollow on social media negative friends, content creators who race bait for clicks, and any content that causes anxiety or makes you question your value, worthiness, or attractiveness. These are the weeds that can strangle our self-love. Turn off news alerts on your phone and tune out of political discussions that aren't constructive but divisive. These storms can batter our garden, leaving us feeling bruised and broken.
Taking a long break from social media is akin to giving our garden a season of rest. It allows us to step back, nurture our soil, and strengthen our roots. It is a time to focus on the things that truly matter, to invest in activities and relationships that build us up rather than tear us down. It is a chance to reconnect with ourselves and rediscover the things that bring us joy and peace.
For people of color, radical self-love is reclaiming our narrative. It asserts that our lives matter, that our experiences are valid, and that our worth is inherent, not determined by the prejudices of others. It reminds us that we are more than the stereotypes and stigmas imposed upon us. We are vibrant, multifaceted individuals with dreams, talents, and potential.
Consider the metaphor of a phoenix rising from the ashes. Our communities have endured so much pain and suffering, yet we continue to rise, stronger and more resilient each time. Radical self-love is the fire that fuels our rebirth. It is the spark that ignites our transformation, allowing us to soar above the limitations imposed upon us. In a world that profits from our self-doubt, choosing to love ourselves is a radical act of rebellion. It is a refusal to be diminished by the narrow definitions of beauty, success, and worth imposed upon us. It is an affirmation of our right to exist, to thrive, and to be unapologetically ourselves.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember that radical self-love is not a destination but a journey. It is a continuous process of growth, healing, and self-discovery. It is about finding balance, setting boundaries, and prioritizing our well-being. It is about learning to love ourselves fiercely and fully despite the messages that tell us we are not enough. Fashion is not just about what you wear but how you wear it. Because wearing the latest fashion trend doesn’t make you cool; you’re either cool, or you’re not.
So, let us be radical in our self-love. Let us cultivate our gardens with care, weeding out negativity and nurturing the seeds of positivity and self-worth. Let us rise like the phoenix, transformed by our struggles and empowered by our resilience. Let us love ourselves and protect our peace, for in doing so, we not only survive but thrive.