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CultureTrump Clings to Hope of Overturning the 2020 Election
Insider reports show that President Donald Trump is continuing his election-fraud rampage, taking his anger out on staffers along the way. CultureVirginia Removes Robert E. Lee Statue from National Statuary Hall
The state of Virginia has announced that the Robert E. Lee statue has been removed from the National Statuary Hall in the U.S Capitol. CultureAttorney General Bill Barr Resigns with a Month Left to Serve
United States Attorney General Bill Barr announced his resignation with just over a month left of his term; the news broke over Twitter. CulturePresident-elect Biden Announces new Economic Team
President-Elect Joe Biden recently announced his economic team. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, the list marks a historic accomplishment. CultureThanksgiving's Heroes sends over 2000 Families full Holiday Meals
Rob Adams, a successful Salt Lake City Real Estate agent, gives away 2,500 free Thanksgiving meals through Thanksgiving’s Heroes. CultureWhat President-Elect Joe Biden's Cabinet may Look Like
With the prolonged election results leading to a Biden/Harris win, many are speculating who will fill president-elect Joe Biden’s cabinet. CultureNew Jersey is the Latest State to Legalize Marijuana
There's one election story that has come by surprise. New Jersey's voters have moved for the state to legalize recreational marijuana. CultureWill Donald Pull the Trump Card?: How 45 can Challenge Results
With the U.S election coming to an end on a very close margin, many people are worried that President Donald Trump may call fraud. LifestyleNewark, NJ Announces Strict COVID Shutdowns
Newark, New Jersey will be going under lockdown amid coronavirus case spikes. The city has seen positive rates rise to 11 percent CultureSen. Mitch McConnell Proposes $500 Billion Stimulus Plan
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been failing to reach an agreement on a coronavirus package. CultureV.A Gov. Ralph Northam also Targeted in 'Militia' Kidnapping Plot
The five suspects charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also had plans to kidnap Virginia’s Gov., Ralph Northam. CultureKanye West is 'Stepping out on Faith' for a more Religious America
“America. What is America’s destiny? What is best for our nation, our people?” asks 2020 presidential candidate Kanye West CultureLet's Discuss Racism in the U.S with These Nonfiction Works
Comprised mostly of nonfiction books, this selection features works discussing different facets of systemic racism in the U.S.Politics How Unemployment Rates are Affecting the Economy
As the COVID-19 pandemic made its way across the country, unemployment rates skyrocketed to never-before-seen levels with 30 million people unemployed.Politics Can the rise in Mail-in Ballots Increase Voter Suppression?
In the wake of COVID and President Donald Trump’s animosity towards mail-in votes many are worried about a voter suppression catastrophe in November.Politics U.N Human Rights Council to hold Debate on Police Brutality
The U.N Human Rights Council announced that it will hold a much requested discussion on racism and police brutality this Wednesday.Politics Citizen Journalism Shows what the Media Doesn't
When the media proves to be untrustworthy, society becomes reliant on citizen journalism to get the full scope of what exactly is happening.