Latest Pandemic News and Updates
BusinessBleuLife Media is Giving Back to Black-Owned Businesses
In honor of Black History Month and celebrating 15 years in publishing Bleu Magazine has a very special giveway for black-owned businesses. Lifestyle2020: A Year Engraved in American Sports History
While today’s sports look a lot different from what they did earlier in 2020, they are a testament to our will to keep pushing forward. LifestyleWhat Would an RV Vacation Look Like?
Travel will not return to normal for a while. But the RV could provide a type of pre-pandemic vacation with limited connection to others. CultureKeeping Your Thanksgiving COVID-Friendly
A COVID-friendly Thanksgiving does not have to be any less fun than a normal one. Here are ways you can mitigate your risk of infection. LifestyleUS Stocks Surge After Moderna Reports COVID-19 Vaccine Results
After Moderna announced their promising early data in their quest for a COVID-19 vaccine, both the Dow and S&P 500 surged to record highs. Lifestyle2020-2021 NBA Season to Start on December 22
The NBPA is expected to take a vote of team player representatives on the league’s proposal of a 72-game season tipping off on December 22nd.World When can our Children Safely Return to School?
Many school districts across the country have recently reopened their doors to children, causing controversy over whether or not it is time to open schools. SportsMiami Marlins Press Pause After COVID-19 Outbreak
Five days was all it took for complications to arise. Not even a week after Opening Day, 17 members of the Miami Marlins have tested positive for COVID-19. SportsA Harsh Reality: Sports Will Return With No Fans
As the country gears up for a gradual reopening, only one question remains on the minds of sports fanatics worldwide. When will professional sports resume? Health And Fitness10 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health During a Pandemic
Your physical and mental health must work in unison for you to thrive during this quarantine. Here are some ways you can nurture your mental state. BusinessCannabis Companies are Stepping Up Against COVID-19
Cannabis companies deemed essenial business have been able to give back and do their part to help during the novel coronavirus pandemic. BusinessThe #Donate1post Campaign Works to Support Small Businesses
Social media influencers and public figures have begun doing their part to help small businesses struggling to stay afloat.